Building a Gospel-Centered Community in Montreal

A Christ-Centered Vision for Montreal

We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ provides answers to the challenges facing individuals and society. At Voyage Church, we are committed to fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19-20). Our mission is to teach, equip, and build a Christ-centered community in Montreal, dedicated to spreading the transformative power of the gospel in Côte-des-Neiges and beyond.

Montreal: Our Mission Field

As one of Canada’s most diverse cities, Montreal reflects a mosaic of cultures and languages, yet the city has a deep spiritual need. With only 0.7% of the population identifying as evangelical Christians, Montreal presents a unique challenge for church planting and gospel outreach. We are called to serve this city, sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in the face of secularism, spiritual emptiness, and societal brokenness.

Our Ministries: Sharing Christ’s Love

  • Biblical Counseling: We provide biblical counseling based on Scripture to help individuals find healing, wisdom, and guidance. Our counselors walk alongside people through life’s challenges, pointing them to the hope found in Jesus Christ.
  • Discipleship: Discipleship is at the core of everything we do. Through Bible studies, small groups, and mentorship, we help individuals grow in their faith and encourage them to disciple others.
  • Community Outreach: We actively serve the diverse communities of Montreal through outreach programs, events, and partnerships with local organizations. Our goal is to meet both practical and spiritual needs, sharing the love of Christ with everyone.