Remember: His law, blessings and presence

About the series


In today’s world distractions come from every angle to steal our attention, and keep us craving the next experience. In this environment we often lose ourselves and our grasp of what’s important. What we need is to slow down and remember. In Scripture, God consistently calls His people to be a people of remembrance, ensuring that they never forget who He is, who they are, and what they are supposed to do. We need this exhortation no less, so that no matter our present circumstances we won’t forget our God and our mission.


🍂 Psalm 119:1-16

🍂 Psalm 77

🍂  Matthew 28:18-20


November 2021


Date Scripture Title Speaker
07/11/21 Psalm 119:1-16 Remember His Law Cody John Simpson
14/11/21 Psalm 77 Remember His Blessings Ben George
21/11/21 Matthew 28:18-20 Remember His Presence Cody John Simpson