Born Out of Grace

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The Deeper Truths of Jesus: The Gospel According to John (1-4:42)


John 3:1-15

Cody John Simpson


  • Jesus clarifies being born again as “being born of water and spirit.” This alludes to the OT: spirit is source of new life, and water represents cleansing and renewal. 
    • The OT foretells of a time when God would ultimately and completely renew His people: 
      • Joel 2:28-29 (Quoted by Peter in Acts)
      • Ezekiel 36:24-29.
    • The next clue about experiencing the Kingdom of God – v14-15. Jesus identifies with the serpent of Numbers 21:4-9. Eternal life (Life of the age to come) or resurrection life/entrance into the kingdom of God is incumbent on believing in the death of Jesus.
    • Jesus died for our sin & brokenness (like pride & moralism), and simply in trusting in His sacrifice brings us into the Kingdom of God. This is Grace.
    • In the church we may start with grace but we can fall into legalism.
      • But the world needs a safe haven from the hatred of moralism and the destruction of self-righteous pride.
      • Grace means we weren’t good enough, and we never will be. But that’s okay because it isn’t about us, but rather its about God whose love is perfect and undeserved. In that love, and only in that love can we find true rest and peace. The church is the place where we all come, broken and in need, and find all the answers in Jesus. 
    • Can you imagine a community where you are still loved in the midst of your screw ups? Where forgiveness is offered instead of judgement? That place is supposed to be the church. Equally undeserving yet equally loved. Let us be vigilant to reject moralism and legalism in our church and our city.


    Have you slipped into finding your worth in your obedience or performance? Remember that God has accepted you not because of what you can do, but because He is a God who loves. Your performance will never outshine His grace.